Hey everyone!
Sorry for being MIA for this past month, I've been incredibly busy with school :( It's just so stressful!! I don't have time to do things I enjoy anymore...which is a bit depressing. It's such a struggle to stay positive and motivated for school.
Anyways, on a happier note, one day when I came home from school, a little package was waiting for me at home! A love package from
Sizbelle! Thank you so much, you totally made my day :D!
Teehee, can't wait to open it!

Opened! Omg, you're too generous! I loved your note too, too sweet! She sent me a lot of candies but I ate them all! LOL

You read my mind girl! I actually JUST finished a bottle of this lotion and you sent me a brand new one! It's my favourite hand lotion because it smells so peachy and leaves my hands so soft!

I've been dying to try these black biore peach scented nose strips!!!! Thank you so much sizbelle!!

Lmao, I had no clue what this was for but it looks funny! Let me know what it's for ;)

Next post will be my purchase from Toronto Circle Lens :) !